In order to ensure that donated money reaches the beneficiaries and that community projects are sustainable, CEN will assist the 21 localities in Petion-Ville in creating committees that will be in charge of identifing priorities and playing the role of monitoring and evaluation to ensure effectiveness and sustainability.
To make that happen, the local catholic church has donated work space to meet and train community leaders.
Responsibilities of the committees:
Identify problems/needs of the community and set priorities;
Translate priorities into projects and assist the community in preparing its development plan (in collaboration with the Mayor’s office and SMCRS) to be used by anyone or organization wanting to help the community;
Create awareness and build capacity in the community on waste management;
Monitor project implementation and make recommendations;
Promote the vision of CEN to grassroots organizations and the target population;
Inform grassroots organizations of CEN activities;
Inform CEN on local projects status;
Be the liaison between CEN and grassroots organizations; and
Prepare periodic project reports and share with the Community in an open forum.
Criteria for the formation of committees:
Geographical boundaries (committees are formed by block or communal section)
Representativeness (all layers or sectors are represented)
Gender Balance (women should make up at least 30%)
Legal (members must have a mandate from the committee)
Apolitical (the committees are not political or ideological organizations)
Nondenominational (the committees have no religious preference)
Nonprofit (members are not paid and cannot implement income-generating activities with donated money)
Experience (members must be affiliated with organizations that have already made a difference in the community)
Capacity to communicate (the committees must be able to communicate technical ideas and organize training for the community)
Leadership skills.
Responsibilities of CEN vis-a-vis the committees:
Schedule periodic meetings with the committees;
Conduct training sessions based on the location of the committee;
Create a web-based system to promote local projects;
Support the committees in their functions; and
Provide tools to the committee to help promote the vision of CEN (fliers, posters; shirts , etc.) and training sessions tailored to the needs of specific communities.